Banaye Iran (Iran's economy rescue package) has been proposed in line with conducting social responsibility and is an effort to raise the level of economic literacy among the elite of the society to increase the social cost of wrong decisions made by policymakers.
The content of Iran's economy rescue package dates back to early 2010s and the beginning of a collective interactions between young economics graduates and policymakers.
The collaboration was to provide suggestions for improving Iran's economic situation. The group of young economists, inside and outside the country, has focused on Iran's economic issues and has achieved good convergence in terms of content creation. The convergence ended up in launching an economic policymaking network.
One of the significant outputs of meetings held by the policymaking network was paving the way for organizing energy market, which unfortunately was not implemented due to conflicts of interest and political issues; therefore, the effort ended up in a failure as a result of the then government’s policy in November 2019.
Since December 2019, the outcomes of brainstorming sessions and engaging with policymakers have led the network to come up with a plan to expand public economic awareness and literacy, especially among elite.
Moreover, due to the fact that the opportunities of presidential elections are good space for economic discourse, the election period was chosen for the mentioned purpose and a codified economic program was prepared and published under the title of "Iran's Economic Rescue Package."
Indeed, the main reason for the decision was the network in interaction with policymakers reached to the conclusion that the main reason for wrong decisions in recent years has its roots in conflicts of interest not in ignorance of know-how.
Thus, the only source of power that may be capable to prevent from erroneous decision-making would be serious demand and follow-up by the elite of society.
In a bid to make it easy to understand, economic outputs are given utmost important in the rescue package such as rising inflation, unemployment, poverty and corruption, which are main public concerns and are clearly visible in the current situation of the country.
The most eye-catching piece of the package is its quantitative and precise objectives, which are explained in details with the aim of paving the ground for achieving each goal.
The content of Iran's economy rescue package dates back to early 2010s and the beginning of a collective interactions between young economics graduates and policymakers.
The collaboration was to provide suggestions for improving Iran's economic situation. The group of young economists, inside and outside the country, has focused on Iran's economic issues and has achieved good convergence in terms of content creation. The convergence ended up in launching an economic policymaking network.
One of the significant outputs of meetings held by the policymaking network was paving the way for organizing energy market, which unfortunately was not implemented due to conflicts of interest and political issues; therefore, the effort ended up in a failure as a result of the then government’s policy in November 2019.
Since December 2019, the outcomes of brainstorming sessions and engaging with policymakers have led the network to come up with a plan to expand public economic awareness and literacy, especially among elite.
Moreover, due to the fact that the opportunities of presidential elections are good space for economic discourse, the election period was chosen for the mentioned purpose and a codified economic program was prepared and published under the title of "Iran's Economic Rescue Package."
Indeed, the main reason for the decision was the network in interaction with policymakers reached to the conclusion that the main reason for wrong decisions in recent years has its roots in conflicts of interest not in ignorance of know-how.
Thus, the only source of power that may be capable to prevent from erroneous decision-making would be serious demand and follow-up by the elite of society.
In a bid to make it easy to understand, economic outputs are given utmost important in the rescue package such as rising inflation, unemployment, poverty and corruption, which are main public concerns and are clearly visible in the current situation of the country.
The most eye-catching piece of the package is its quantitative and precise objectives, which are explained in details with the aim of paving the ground for achieving each goal.